
The Retirement Living Awards celebrate the very best in retirement living developments and services. 

Entering the Retirement Living Awards, being judged by experts, being commended or winning, will bring real benefits to each entering company in the form of valuable PR, further enhancing their standing in today’s competitive retirement living market.

The list of Categories is not overburdened with wordy criteria. We believe in not being too prescriptive, preferring you to tell your story in your own way. All we ask is that you use the basic template of headings in your submission document. This helps the judges when comparing entries and it helps the process of marking, ensuring allocations of marks to each aspect of a submission are awarded with consistency.We look forward to receiving your entries and wish you well with preparing your submissions.

Key dates

Entries open: February 1 2025

Time is always precious and sometimes writing an entry submission is one of those jobs put off until the last moment. For a helping hand to write your awards entries contact:  

Please note that Boost Marketing is a completely independent company that specialises in preparing Awards’ submissions. There is no financial relationship between the Retirement Living Awards and Boost Marketing. The advice you receive from Boost is confidential.